Wednesday 13 May 2015

AKA dismisses Ifani’s album gold status

AKA dismisses Ifani’s album gold status

When rapper Ifani’s new album“I Believes In Me: 2nd Quadrant” went gold in one day it made news.
However, according to rapper AKA the ‘gold’ status was fake. It was a conspiracy theory by alcohol brand Redds that bought the star’s album.
“If a brand bought 20 000 IFani albums … Surely I could get someone to buy the remaining 2K right?,” tweeted AKA starting off the conversation.

After other numerous tweets from the rapper Redds then tweeted in response.
“@ReddsSA: We support local talent & we are proud of @iFani_Haymani. The brand did not have any involvement in buying copies of the album.”
After the tweet AKA went on to say; “Let me tell you something, when Redds starts dishing out Ifani albums remember that I told you so.”
AKA ended the tweets saying “On the real … WHO BOUGHT THIS ALBUM?!?!?!?! step forward now!!!! .” Adding the hashtag #TwitpicYourIFaniAlbum
iFani didn’t let AKA go though, he hit back with a tweet that AKA is yet to respond to......

AKA  iFani

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